Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Case for Best Album of '06

Neko Case
Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
Neko Case is one of the most recognizable female names and voices in the Alternative Country scene. She has consistently delivered haunting and thoughtful songs since her first release in 1997, The Virginian. Nothing has changed with her 4th studio record, Fox Confessor Brings the Flood is full of clever lyrics and sophisticated melodies that are driven home by her graceful voice. Case unleashes a captivating, spiritual parable in "Maybe Sparrow" powered by her enchanting, signature sound. Another highlight on the album, is the dark love song, "Hold On, Hold On" (featured below in a video)where Neko poetically turns loneliness into beauty. Fox Confessor Brings the Flood will prove to be a favorite for those who appreciate a singer/songwriter who performs from the heart.


J. Oosting said...

You know, I should probably give Neko Case a serious chance. I've enjoyed her work with The New Pornographers, but never really gotten in to her solo stuff. Terrible as it sounds, I have a hard time getting into female singers. I've got Fox Confessor, so maybe I'll give it another spin.

J. Jarman said...

I concure. I became intranced with Case after the release of Fox Confessor. I spent the next three months litening to this alone. Good call on album '06.

Alfred said...

John - Her stuff with The New Pornographers is good, but doesn't do her justice. I'm not huge into female singers either, but I have a thing for Neko.

Josh - Have you listened to "Blacklisted". I think it came out in 02', but its pretty awesome.