Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Building a Case Against Iran

U.S. Continues to Make Claims of Iranian Involvement in Iraq Officers of the First Cavalry Division seized components that are said to be essential parts of the deadly canisters called explosively formed penetrators, or E.F.P.’s, which explode and hurl out a high-speed cluster of copper designed to cut through tough armor. This is another strike against Iran in the eyes of the administration. Although, many experts are skeptical of the allegations that Iran is supplying weapons to the insurgency groups in Iraq. At any rate, the government continues to prepare for possible military action against Iran.

These circumstances are eerily similar to the build-up to the Iraq War. This time around, I hope the burden of proof is a much stricter one. The role of the media in this eminent crisis is crucial. Tough questions need to be asked. Where is the proof that these weapons came from Iran and what evidence do you have linking these weapons to the Iranian government? In terms of the nuclear program, why were negotiations on option with North Korea, but not Iran? North Korea is the country that actually tested long range missiles.

Monday, February 19, 2007

UK Psychedelia

The Early Years
The Early Years
The Early Years were born in 2004 when David Malkinson teamed up with friends, Roger Mackin and Phil Raines, joined together by their desire to create music full of ambiant noise, feedback and psychedelic guitar riffs. Their debut self-titled album was released in the UK last summer, but was just made available in the U.S. on Jan. 30th. They have a very hip style and sound somewhere in between Mogwai and Spiritualized. You can really hear their use of distortion on "All Ones and Zeros". The Early Years seem to be on their way to some meaningful popularity riding the probable success of this record with a massive touring schedule. Check out the video for "So Far Gone" below.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Tough Talk from Russian Leader

Putin accuses U.S. of sparking arms race. Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the annual Munich Conference on Security Policy in Germany on Saturday. He delivered some very strong messages concerning the United States. Here are some quotes from his address:

-"One state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way."

-"The United States has overstepped its borders in all spheres - economic, political and humanitarian, and has imposed itself on other states."

-"Unilateral, illegitimate actions have not solved a single problem, they have become a hotbed of further conflicts."

-"It is a world of one master, one sovereign ... it has nothing to do with democracy...This is nourishing the wish of countries to get nuclear weapons. This is very dangerous, nobody feels secure anymore because nobody can hide behind international law."

Putin never mentioned American actions in Iraq or Afghanistan, but he did refer to the United States' deployment of a missile defense system in eastern Europe, saying that the project is not in the interest of "the Europeans". U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates replied to Putin's remarks by saying "one Cold War is enough" and that he would go to Moscow to try to reduce tensions. These are probably the harshest words spoken by a Russian leader towards the U.S. since the end of the Cold War. Clearly, there is still a major struggle behind the scenes between these two world powers. Putin knows his nation is far from competing with the U.S. economically or militarily, but he is not above using Russian oil as leverage in conflicts with the West. It will be very interesting to see where this contenious relationship goes from here.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Funky Scotsman

Paolo Nutini
These Streets
After receiving much critical acclaim in the U.K., the soulful debut album from this Scottish singer/songwriter was finally released in the U.S. in January. Nutini channels the spirits of Motown with his R&B infused pop songs, such as the title track. These Streets also has the feel of a jam band record with songs like "New Shoes". This album is definitely worth a listen, if for nothing else but its uniqueness. Check out the video below from Paolo's AOL Session.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Practices of CIA Come Under Fire

German prosecutors have issued arrest warrants for thirteen CIA operatives linked to the kidnapping and torture of German citizen Khaled El-Masri. Allegedly, the CIA, with the help of Macedonian security agents, abducted a German citizen while on vacation in Macedonia on suspicions of terrorist activities. They then transferred him to a secret prison in Afghanistan where El-Masri was held and tortured for five months. After the CIA was satisfied that he couldn't help them in their "investigation", he was finally released and abandoned in the mountains of Albania. This allegation is in line with other examples of a known United States' practice referred to "Extraordinary Rendition". It is just another violation of human rights and American values that has been establish by this administration and excused as a necessary evil in the war against terror. Democracy Now! does a good job higlighting some key aspects of this issue.

Check out this video of Senator Patrick Leahy grilling Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the issue of another victim of Extraordinary Rendition, Maher Arar. Arar is a Canadian citizen who was detained by the FBI at JFK Airport on his way back to Toronto from a vacation overseas. He was then transported to Syria where he was imprisoned and tortured. Sen. Leahy tries to familiarize the Attorney General with the Constitution.