Saturday, January 20, 2007

Bush Proposes Turning the Table on Health Insurance

The President wants to tax higher priced plans while giving breaks to those who purchase their plans privately. The new plan, which Bush introduced in his radio address on Saturday, would create tax benefits and hopefully compel Americans who live without coverage to buy at least some insurance. Also, he hopes that the new tax on the more expensive plans offered by companies will force some employees to find less excessive plans, in turn, reducing the cost of health insurance as a whole. This is great news for young people as well as the self employed. There are currently over 45 million U.S. citizens who are uninsured. Clearly, this does not solve the huge health care crisis that exists in our country, but it will certainly help in making insurance slightly more accessible. It is also good just to be speaking and writing about health care. The issue has really taken a back seat to other concerns as of late, but this propsal will at least get people talking about the problem again.

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