Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Building a Case Against Iran

U.S. Continues to Make Claims of Iranian Involvement in Iraq Officers of the First Cavalry Division seized components that are said to be essential parts of the deadly canisters called explosively formed penetrators, or E.F.P.’s, which explode and hurl out a high-speed cluster of copper designed to cut through tough armor. This is another strike against Iran in the eyes of the administration. Although, many experts are skeptical of the allegations that Iran is supplying weapons to the insurgency groups in Iraq. At any rate, the government continues to prepare for possible military action against Iran.

These circumstances are eerily similar to the build-up to the Iraq War. This time around, I hope the burden of proof is a much stricter one. The role of the media in this eminent crisis is crucial. Tough questions need to be asked. Where is the proof that these weapons came from Iran and what evidence do you have linking these weapons to the Iranian government? In terms of the nuclear program, why were negotiations on option with North Korea, but not Iran? North Korea is the country that actually tested long range missiles.

1 comment:

S Crespi said...

Hey Alfred,

I hope the administration is as wrong about Iran as they were about N. Korea .Here's an article
that got some play on NPR today regarding claims Iran is supplying weapons to Iraq.